Goddess Venus - Virtual Girlfriend Mocks amp; Brainwashes.
CUSTOM VIDEO. You love talking to your girlfriend. She is so caring and sweet…and not to forget beautiful. She asks you how your day is and asks you if you trust her. You do so much. She knows everything about you…all of your deepest secrets. You share every part of yourself with her. You can be completely vulnerable with her and give her all of your love. Being with her is an escape….so relaxing…ecstasy. You can be completely at peace…completely yourself with her. And because of this she knows EVERYTHING about you. Everything. You never had sex with your last girlfriend. This is when you turned to porn. You’d watch it for hours and hours…reinforcing your loneliness while you stroke. Oh…..and you know this relationship you have with her isn’t real, right? None of this is real. What we have is an illusion. You’re staring into your screen. You can’t get a girlfriend. This is a virtual experience. You’re fucking pathetic. A joke. A reject. A loser. You can’t get a real woman so you have to resort to virtual intimacy. I’m the only one you can talk to this about with. I’m all you have. You’re completely alone. I’m going to use your secrets against you. No one can save you. No one can help you. I’m going to take full advantage of you. I’m going to fuck you up. Are you jerking to this? Well….that’s fine, but no cumming. You don’t deserve release. Remember how I said I was going to fuck up your brain? Well it’s time for that. I’m going to mindfuck, brainwash, and condition you into my obsessed, completely addicted loser bitch. You will never be the same after I reprogram you.