Samantha Saint's fake porn shoot with Disney CFO Richard Nanula -
Samantha Saint's fake porn shoot with Disney CFO Richard Nanula-0
Samantha Saint's fake porn shoot with Disney CFO Richard Nanula-1
Samantha Saint's fake porn shoot with Disney CFO Richard Nanula-2
Samantha Saint's fake porn shoot with Disney CFO Richard Nanula-3
Samantha Saint's fake porn shoot with Disney CFO Richard Nanula-4
Samantha Saint's fake porn shoot with Disney CFO Richard Nanula-5
Samantha Saint's fake porn shoot with Disney CFO Richard Nanula-6
Samantha Saint's fake porn shoot with Disney CFO Richard Nanula-7
Samantha Saint's fake porn shoot with Disney CFO Richard Nanula-8
Samantha Saint's fake porn shoot with Disney CFO Richard Nanula-9

Samantha Saint's fake porn shoot with Disney CFO Richard Nanula


In June 2012, just days before her 25th birthday, Samantha Saint was hired by Trinity St. Clair to perform in a scene for her website. Unbeknownst to her, the shoot was fake. The "performer" was then Disney CFO Richard Nanula, who wanted to fuck Samantha so badly that he paid St. Clair to stage a phony shoot pairing him with Samantha. When Samantha found out that she'd been pimped out, she had her attorney force St. Clair to post the video on her website so Samantha wouldn't be considered an escort. Ironically, she eventually did start escorting under the radar.