Jessica Starling – Custom Impregnate Queen Mommy. -
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Jessica Starling – Custom Impregnate Queen Mommy.


“Queen Mommy – An Impregnation Fantasy. Mommy gets a call and when she hangs up she tells her son that his second uncle who he’s never heard of passed away in (made up country name) and your baby boy is now their king. Baby boy acts scared and doesn’t want to have anything to do with it, but Mommy really does and can make the world a better place. Tell him that everything is going to be OK, if he makes Mommy the Queen she will do everything, and then pretend that he does just that, he’ll always do whatever Mommy wants. Mommy tells him that they need to start making royal babies right away so that she can maintain power and save that backwards country. Her baby boy is scared, but Mommy is very loving and will take care of everything. Mommy tells her boy to lie down, then strips naked. She invites him to suck on her tits, then lick her pussy before rubbing her naked body against him. Mommy then takes her baby boy’s cock and slips it inside of her, bouncing up and down. She kisses him and assures him that he will be safe. Then, mommy and her boy lie on their sides facing each other, still fucking. Mommy holds him tight as he thrusts inside of her until he fills up her pussy with his cum.”