Zulaica: Nighttime Knocker Nab - tubepornvids.com
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Zulaica: Nighttime Knocker Nab


One of the nice things about being a professional monger is you are able to make your own schedule for the most part. No rat-race 9-5 type of shit here, oh no. You can pretty much do whatever you want whenever you want, without much worry or stress. One side effect of this lifestyle is losing track of time. That is not necessarily a bad thing entirely, but it can throw kinks in your loosely-laid plans to lay loose women. Another nice thing about the mongering here is: You hardly ever need a plan. If you do make one and it falls through for some reason, there’s still a high probability of getting some pussy some way or another. That’s kind of what happened to me on this particular evening. I vegged out in the room most of the day because it was so hot out, so when I awoke from a late afternoon snooze I had the sudden urge to go troll for some snatch at the mall. So, I got up, got dressed and hailed a trike outside. I guess I didn’t realize how late it was already, because when we pulled up, the mall was just in the process of closing up. So there went my mall-hunting idea. Oh well. I got out of the trike anyway and figured I would do a quick scan of the area for any fuckable stragglers that might still be trickling out. Don’t you just know it, within a few steps I noticed a slinky babe with nice boobs in a yellow top just leaving. I had to catch up and get a closer peek at this one; she really looked like my type from 40 yards away. Her and her friend fortunately stopped in a little convenience store that was still open so I was able to go inside and corner her. When I approached her in the drink aisle she smiled and I knew something was on. I told her she looked beautiful and that I would pay for whatever she wanted in the store. She was happy about that idea and we picked out a few snack and drink items together. I could hardly keep my eyes of her fine little LBFM ass and sweet-looking set of knockers behind that tube top of hers. All packaged together on a nice slender bod just the way I like. This was a quintessential piece of John Tron puki right here, fellas, and I was determined to score it and share it with the Trike Patrol faithful. Once we paid up and got outside, I asked her about hanging out with me back at my room. She had been smiling and giggling like a schoolgirl the whole time so it was almost a foregone conclusion. We parted ways with her little friend and boarded the first trike smokin’ back to my hotel. Once there, I was finally able to learn her name, Zulaica. This babe had a fantastic pair of Pinay knockers and I told her so while we scarfed on our munchies. She said she felt that I was a horny bastard just be looking at my face so I think she knew the next she’d be munching on would be my cock. She pulled down her top some to reveal those wondrous spherical fun-bags of hers and I was finally able to get my damn hands on ‘em. Oh boys, they felt even better than they looked. My hands then wanted to head down south naturally and after rubbing that kitty through her leopard-print panties it was all moistened up and ready for some dickin’. But first, there was some more munchin’ to see to because Zulaica just couldn’t pass up on sampling the meaty snack between my legs. I returned the favor and tongued that musky twat of hers that thought it was just going home from the mall a half-hour earlier. My snapper-savoring tongue wasn’t the only foreign extremity that would be raiding her clamhole tonight. No, no, next it was my dangling coochie-crook which would invade her womanly depths with extreme prejudice. As you’re about to see in the video, Zulaica was one horny LBFM once she had a dick in her, guys. She wasn’t any dead fish in the sack, that’s for damn sure. This was a young Pinay who enjoys her cock and wasn’t afraid to let you hear about it. Little did she know, the whole internet would hear about it too one Friday later. As I mentioned earlier, this kind of body type that Zulaica had was just about perfect for me. Seeing those healthy young breasts heaving up and down while I’m thrashing that wet pink pookie and holding on to that slim trim waist is as good as it gets. It was only a matter of time before I would explode inside her, leaving that pulsating furburger dripping with a frosty man-milk mustache in the end. Hoped you enjoyed this one guys, she was definitely high up on my list…and you know that’s saying something!