Sapphire Donna Austin school of spank -
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Sapphire Donna Austin school of spank


<br /> Sapphire has turned up at Donna's studio to learn how to spank like a pro. Donna will be showing her ropes so to speak. Sapphire is rather keen to get her hands on Donna's body, but first Donna wants to show her what to do and how to spank. Donna gets Sapphire to face the wall and pulls up her short plaid skirt. Sapphire is wearing no knickers, which is nice. Donna gets to work on Sapphire's ass right away. Giving it a good slap, we see this happen at normal speed as well as in slow motion. Seeing Sapphire's ass ripple and jiggle is the business. You can hear and see the effect of Donna's work. Sapphire's ass soon gets a little red from Donna's handiwork. Then it's Sapphire's turn. She unzips Donna's short PVC skirt and starts to fondle and rub her hands over Donna's fine ass. She gets a bit carried away, trying to mount her like a dog at the park by lifting her leg up over Donna's ass. Donna tells Sapphire off, 'It's spanking not climbing' and gets Sapphire to re-focus. Sapphire taps Donna's ass a few times but there's little weight behind the spanks. Donna pulls Sapphire up and says, let me show you again. Donna says you need to leave a red patch, don't be afraid. Donna demonstrates again on Sapphire's ass. Spanking her ass cheeks hard and rippling her ass cheeks with the impact of her spanks. Sapphire has another go, and is getting better, Donna's encourages her, but she's still not quite got it. Donna had another go on Sapphire's ass, we show this in slow motion and you hear the crack and see the pancake as Sapphire's ass takes the blow. Her cheeks are getting rosy red. Donna says that what she wants on her bottom. Sapphire has another go, and puts some effort into spanking Donna's ass. This time she appears to have got it. Hard spanks that ripple and wobble Donna's great ass. She checks that the strikes are working. More slow motion brings out the visual impact of the spank and sounds of the spanking are sublime in slow motion, you get to really see Donna's ass wobble and jiggle under Sapphire's hand. More normal speed is shown and yet more spanking. Donna's ass is starting to redden up and show the signs of a bit of spanking. Sapphire keeps going, moving between each cheek and massaging in between strokes. You have a great eye level view of Donna's ass through most of this section of the scene. It's as if you are sitting on a chair right behind Donna. Donna congratulates Sapphire on her spanking skills and the embrace and start to kiss. This is where we leave the two girls