Bruno y Maria, Vanesa y Rhino. - Kitchen Nightmares!!! I bang my boyfr ...
<br /> Were pretty sure many of you have had it: at last you find a jov in a beach bar, but september comes, the tourist season ends and the bastards that have been making your life a living hell and paying you shit give you the finger and youll never see em again. How many of you have thought about gettin some payback? Vanesa, a kink-loving girl that made her debut a year ago contacted us being totally clear about it: using one of her last days on her burger place, when her bosses were not around, she brought her boyfriend Rhino to FUCK HIM IN THE KITCHEN! When we already have a girl like Vanesa, that already gets wet when thinking about fucking in public places, and we add the fact of her spectacular revenge on her bosses by fucking in the same table she makes the hamburges in... We have the kind of kinky scene we at Bruno y María know you love. <br /> Bruno y Maria, Vanesa y Rhino. <br /> Tags