teens - FtvGirls presents Alyssa in Her Pair Keeps Growing – Kinky Kind Of Girl – 05 - tubepornvids.com
teens - FtvGirls presents Alyssa in Her Pair Keeps Growing – Kinky Kind Of Girl – 05-0
teens - FtvGirls presents Alyssa in Her Pair Keeps Growing – Kinky Kind Of Girl – 05-1
teens - FtvGirls presents Alyssa in Her Pair Keeps Growing – Kinky Kind Of Girl – 05-2
teens - FtvGirls presents Alyssa in Her Pair Keeps Growing – Kinky Kind Of Girl – 05-3
teens - FtvGirls presents Alyssa in Her Pair Keeps Growing – Kinky Kind Of Girl – 05-4
teens - FtvGirls presents Alyssa in Her Pair Keeps Growing – Kinky Kind Of Girl – 05-5
teens - FtvGirls presents Alyssa in Her Pair Keeps Growing – Kinky Kind Of Girl – 05-6
teens - FtvGirls presents Alyssa in Her Pair Keeps Growing – Kinky Kind Of Girl – 05-7
teens - FtvGirls presents Alyssa in Her Pair Keeps Growing – Kinky Kind Of Girl – 05-8
teens - FtvGirls presents Alyssa in Her Pair Keeps Growing – Kinky Kind Of Girl – 05-9

teens - FtvGirls presents Alyssa in Her Pair Keeps Growing – Kinky Kind Of Girl – 05


Hey as you know my name is Alyssa. If you didn’t know already, I’m 23 years old! My birthday is in January, so next year if anyone wants to get a me a gift!! I work a full time job at a call center, I love to hoop dance, maybe I’ll let them post a video of me hoop dancing sometime when I get better. I love pizza, its my favorite food. I think the best pizza place in the world is Mountain Mikes in Modesto, CA. If you’re ever out there, go and try that pizza. I dont like In and Out. Its way to overhyped. I also love strawberries and pineapples, hands down my favorite fruits. Any time I order a smoothie from anywhere it has strawnerries and pineapples. I love going to festivals all around the world. i just recently bought a ticket for a cruise festival sailing roundtrip from Miami to the Bahamas and Im super excited. Right now im currently enrolling into college to be either be a psychologist or some sort of mentor for abused kids. I am a certified CNA, which means I’m CPR and First Aid certified! I currently drive an Infinit q50. JK but I totally wish I did, I actually drive a 2001 Honda Accord. I also love to dance, when I’m down and feeling blue I go to the clubs out here and I dance my stress away. The most improtant thing to me in life right now is friendship and of course bulidng my life and establishing my name but I would literally be no where without any of my freinds, they are all great people. You know what they say, you are only as good as the people yo surround yourself with. I love most music. I dont have a preference but as of lately I’ve been listening to a lot of house and techno. You can never go wrong with techno. REAL TECHNO. I have 5 brothers and 2 sisters, there are 8 of us. I’m one of the middle children. I live alone in a very comfortable apartment which also puts a set back on getting a new car.. Its okay though, I’m a very optimistic individual. I have two cats, Larry and Steve. They both are very precious to me and I love them dearly. Im also a low-key gamer. I have an xbox 360 at home. I do play online sometimes when I have time. I used to play a lot more but have gotten caught up at work and responsibilities. As you can see in the film I do have braces and im very proud of how far my smile has come. I’m still very insecure about them so please ignore my dorky faces when I try to smile because I absolutely do not know how to smile. My best friend and I plan to move to New York one of these days so I’ve been saving up for that as well. We were gonna plan a trip out there until I got into in an accident in early October, its lame but I’ve been trying hard to save up money for a new car. I GOT THIS. I decided to do this film today becuase I wanted to see where it would take me. I’ve always been into exhibitionism, I feel this is a step closer to getting where I want to be in this industry. I used to be a cam model in 2015, it was great. The only thing i didnt like about that was that I worked in a studio and they had rules that I obviously didnt care to follow so I quit. If i ever cammed again it would be on my own terms and I would work from home. Make my own hours on my time. some of my Favorite parts about my film today was that I was able to let go of myselft towards the end and really get into it, I learned that I can now lick my left nipple standing up! I almsot fit my fist into my Vagina too which was super fun! I will have to practice that some more. Another favorite part was the sunsquash scene, it was goofy and a lot of fun. One thing that was difficult was the anal scenes, don’t get me wrong. I like anal but I really have to prepare mentally for it hahaha it’s just such an intense feeling. Next time I will be better. Also if I may add, the house we shot everything at is fantastic. It has its own elevator. I told the Director he needed a cat. Over all I had a great time filming and hope to do it again soon.